Faraja Primary School is a long-time non-profit client of KDG, relying on them to create a website and provide assistance with content updates. In 2022 they decided that they were overdue for a redesign. While their old site did the job, we wanted to give them a fresh look that shows their welcoming and caring nature for their students all the way over in Tanzania. By prioritizing bright colors associated with their brand along with some spectacular photos of some of their students and the surrounding area, we were able to create a more modern website that fit their needs. We made sure to highlight their students' stories and encourage users to donate towards giving these kids a better education and more access to affordable medical care.
Since we already had an existing site built for them, we had an idea of what was working successfully vs. what needed improvements to increase engagement. We focused on these improvement pages (such as the homepage and donation pages) and created wireframes before moving onto the design phase. We utilized WordPress to build a multipage website that could be handed off to the client upon completion. We provided them with a tutorial on how to easily update the site themselves using the back-end CMS, supplying them with complete control moving forward.
Creative and Copy Partner: Keri Lindenmuth
UI/UX Design